IS2009238100 - Gæfa frá Hvammi

F. Glymur frá Innri-Skeljabrekku (8,38)
FF. Gaukur frá Innri-Skeljabrekku (8,01)
FM. Þyrla frá Norðtungu
M. Hrefna frá Víðidal (7,85)
MF. Hrafn frá Holtsmúla (8,56)Hononary prize
MM. Hending frá Víðidal (8,10)
Móvindótt / Silver dapple
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Gæfa frá Hvammi
Very pretty mare sired by the famous Glymur frá Innri-Skeljabrekku for sale.
Gæfa was born 2009 and is a very handsome black silver dapple mare. Her father Glymur was until his much too early death the highest evaluated silver dapple stallion in the world with 8.65 for ridden abilities, among that 9 for tölt and trot. He sired amazing horses such as the very high evaluated Sóllilja frá Sauðanesi (8.82 for ridden abilities) and Gígur frá Brautarholti, silver medal winner in breeding at World Championships 2013 (evaluated with 8.53 in total). Gæfa’s mother is Hrefna frá Víðidal, evaluated with 7.85 in total, mother of 4 evaluated offsprings (one 1st prize). Gæfa is very well trained and has 5 well separated gaits. Tölt comes with clear beat and really good movements, trot is very elastic, gallop nicely jumped upwards, relaxed walk and pace is strong and energetic just lacks a bit of speed at the moment due to little training. Gæfa can be sold pregnant with Sigur frá Stóra-Vatnsskardi, full brother of Lukku-Láki (BLUP 119, born 2013). Gæfa has a friendly and easy temperament. She could fit very well for 5gait or tölt competitions or become a great breeding mare. Get in contact for more info!
Gæfa frá Hvammi
Very pretty mare sired by the famous Glymur frá Innri-Skeljabrekku for sale.
Gæfa was born 2009 and is a very handsome black silver dapple mare. Her father Glymur was until his much too early death the highest evaluated silver dapple stallion in the world with 8.65 for ridden abilities, among that 9 for tölt and trot. He sired amazing horses such as the very high evaluated Sóllilja frá Sauðanesi (8.82 for ridden abilities) and Gígur frá Brautarholti, silver medal winner in breeding at World Championships 2013 (evaluated with 8.53 in total). Gæfa’s mother is Hrefna frá Víðidal, evaluated with 7.85 in total, mother of 4 evaluated offsprings (one 1st prize). Gæfa is very well trained and has 5 well separated gaits. Tölt comes with clear beat and really good movements, trot is very elastic, gallop nicely jumped upwards, relaxed walk and pace is strong and energetic just lacks a bit of speed at the moment due to little training. Gæfa can be sold pregnant with Sigur frá Stóra-Vatnsskardi, full brother of Lukku-Láki (BLUP 119, born 2013). Gæfa has a friendly and easy temperament. She could fit very well for 5gait or tölt competitions or become a great breeding mare. Get in contact for more info!
A video of Aska frá Áskoti