Um okkur / About us / Our Service
We are Kristinn Hákonarson and Birna Sólveig Kristjónsdóttir and we live in Eyvindarmúli in Fljótshlíð, about 22 km from Hvolsvöllur.
We breed, sell and train horses and also offer long horse trips in summer and short tours in winter. Our main goal is to bring people and good horses together.
So if you are looking for a certain horse, no matter if it's a high judged stallion or mare, a competition star, the perfect riding horse or a reliable partner for the whole family, feel free to contact us.
As experienced horse owners, riders, trainers and breeders we offer you our expertise on finding the perfect horse for you. Due to our collaborations with a lot of well known breeders, big and small, here in Iceland we can draw on abundant plentiful resources and are able to help you to find the perfect horse for you for a fair price.
Also, with many years of experience we gladly assist you in exporting, breeding, boarding and training.
We're looking forward to hear from you and help you with finding your new horse! Contact us via email at [email protected]!
"About Eyvindarmuli"
Did you know that Eyvindarmúli is an ancient manor and located right on "Njáluslóðir" (Njála's trails). Also the famous farm "Hlíðarendi", where Gunnar lived, is only a stone's throw away. Eyvindarmúli was one of the main manors of the "Oddaverjar" during "The Age of the Sturlungs" and it is said that high above the farm Fjalla-Eyvindur destroyed a raven's nest which was considered to be the beginning of his misfortunes.
We breed, sell and train horses and also offer long horse trips in summer and short tours in winter. Our main goal is to bring people and good horses together.
So if you are looking for a certain horse, no matter if it's a high judged stallion or mare, a competition star, the perfect riding horse or a reliable partner for the whole family, feel free to contact us.
As experienced horse owners, riders, trainers and breeders we offer you our expertise on finding the perfect horse for you. Due to our collaborations with a lot of well known breeders, big and small, here in Iceland we can draw on abundant plentiful resources and are able to help you to find the perfect horse for you for a fair price.
Also, with many years of experience we gladly assist you in exporting, breeding, boarding and training.
We're looking forward to hear from you and help you with finding your new horse! Contact us via email at [email protected]!
"About Eyvindarmuli"
Did you know that Eyvindarmúli is an ancient manor and located right on "Njáluslóðir" (Njála's trails). Also the famous farm "Hlíðarendi", where Gunnar lived, is only a stone's throw away. Eyvindarmúli was one of the main manors of the "Oddaverjar" during "The Age of the Sturlungs" and it is said that high above the farm Fjalla-Eyvindur destroyed a raven's nest which was considered to be the beginning of his misfortunes.
Kristinn Hákonarson og Birna Sólveig Kristjónsdóttir eru ábúendur á Eyvindarmúla í Fljótshlíð. Bærinn er staðsettur innarlega í Fljótshlíðinni, u.þ.b. 22 km frá Hvolsvelli og er því ekki mikið um bílaumferð þar. Þetta er ákaflega fallegt bæjarstæði og mikil náttúrufegurð og útsýni blasir við.
Til gamans má geta að Eyvindarmúli er fornt höfuðból og er bærinn staðsettur á Njáluslóðum, en hinn þekkti bær, Hlíðarendi hans Gunnars, er einungis nokkrum bæjum frá. Bærinn var einmitt eitt af höfuðbólum Oddaverja á Sturlungaöld og svo er einnig sagt að fyrir ofan bæinn hafi Fjalla-Eyvindur steypt undan hrafni sem var talið upphafið að ógæfuferli hans. Hann var haldinn þeirri áráttu að geta ekki látið eigur annarra kyrrar liggja.
Þar stundum við hrossarækt, tamningar, þjálfun og sjáum um hestaferðir á sumrin og stutta reiðtúra á veturna
Til gamans má geta að Eyvindarmúli er fornt höfuðból og er bærinn staðsettur á Njáluslóðum, en hinn þekkti bær, Hlíðarendi hans Gunnars, er einungis nokkrum bæjum frá. Bærinn var einmitt eitt af höfuðbólum Oddaverja á Sturlungaöld og svo er einnig sagt að fyrir ofan bæinn hafi Fjalla-Eyvindur steypt undan hrafni sem var talið upphafið að ógæfuferli hans. Hann var haldinn þeirri áráttu að geta ekki látið eigur annarra kyrrar liggja.
Þar stundum við hrossarækt, tamningar, þjálfun og sjáum um hestaferðir á sumrin og stutta reiðtúra á veturna