IS2015188291 - Vopni frá Reykjadal

F. Kvistur frá Skagatrönd (8,58)
FF. Hróður frá Refsstöðum (8,39)
FM. Sunna frá Akranesi (8,16)
M. Vild frá Auðsholtshjáleiga (8,12)
MF. Keilir frá Miðsitju (8,63)
MM.Vordís frá Auðsholtshjáleiga (8,34)
Rauður ,sokkóttur blesóttur / Red with white socks and Blaze
Eyactaching young stallion with 1st prize pedigree! 121 in BLuB
Vopni is an eyecatching 4 year old stallion sired by 1st prize stallion Kvistur frá Skagaströnd (9 for tölt, trot, pace, spirit, back and croup, proportions and mane and tail). Kvistur also received the 1st prize for offsprings, siring such amazing horses as Kolskeggur frá Kjarnholtum I (8.74-8.94-8.86), Sproti frá Innri-Skeljabrekku (8.09-8.83-8.54) and Stekkur frá Skák (8.29-8.9-8.66).
Vopni’s mother is the Keilir frá Miðsitju daughter Vild frá Auðsholtshjáleigu, evaluated with 8.33 for ridden abilities and 7.81 for conformation, total 8.12.
Vopni is a chestnut stallion with blaze and socks, most likely having inherited the splash gene from his father Kvistur. He is five gaited as his parents, boosting really high movements when running free and showing both, trot and tölt. Vopni is well build with high set and arched neck, cylindric body and great topline.
He was started under the saddle and was easy from the beginning with a super friendly temperament and eagerness to learn and work with his trainer.
Vopni for sure is a stunning prospect for both breeding and competition who combines remarkable talent with charming character and striking colour. So if you want to add the "x-factor" to your future breeding, then this young stallion is what you are looking for.
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Eyactaching young stallion with 1st prize pedigree! 121 in BLuB
Vopni is an eyecatching 4 year old stallion sired by 1st prize stallion Kvistur frá Skagaströnd (9 for tölt, trot, pace, spirit, back and croup, proportions and mane and tail). Kvistur also received the 1st prize for offsprings, siring such amazing horses as Kolskeggur frá Kjarnholtum I (8.74-8.94-8.86), Sproti frá Innri-Skeljabrekku (8.09-8.83-8.54) and Stekkur frá Skák (8.29-8.9-8.66).
Vopni’s mother is the Keilir frá Miðsitju daughter Vild frá Auðsholtshjáleigu, evaluated with 8.33 for ridden abilities and 7.81 for conformation, total 8.12.
Vopni is a chestnut stallion with blaze and socks, most likely having inherited the splash gene from his father Kvistur. He is five gaited as his parents, boosting really high movements when running free and showing both, trot and tölt. Vopni is well build with high set and arched neck, cylindric body and great topline.
He was started under the saddle and was easy from the beginning with a super friendly temperament and eagerness to learn and work with his trainer.
Vopni for sure is a stunning prospect for both breeding and competition who combines remarkable talent with charming character and striking colour. So if you want to add the "x-factor" to your future breeding, then this young stallion is what you are looking for.
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