Akkiles er myndarlegur og flottur graðhestur á 3 vetur undan Eldjárni frá Tjaldhólum og Hvönn frá Reykholti. Hann hefur sýnt allan gang, svo hann verður að öllum líkindum 5-gangs hestur. Hann er rúmur og sýnir flottan fótaburð. Hann er virkilega geðgóður og spakur og þægilegur í umgengni. Mjög spennandi og efnilegur foli með frábæran lit sem gaman verður að fylgjast með í framtíðinni.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Akkiles is a handsome and good looking stallion who's turning 3 years old this spring. He shows all gaits, so he'll most likely be 5-gaited. He shows long strides and high leg action. He has a really good temperament and is nice to handle. Very exciting and promising young colt with a great color who will be fun to watch in the future.
More information, photos and video can be found here.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Akkiles is a handsome and good looking stallion who's turning 3 years old this spring. He shows all gaits, so he'll most likely be 5-gaited. He shows long strides and high leg action. He has a really good temperament and is nice to handle. Very exciting and promising young colt with a great color who will be fun to watch in the future.
More information, photos and video can be found here.