Aladín frá Tjaldhólum er virkilega rúmur og hágengur fjórgangshestur undan Sæ frá Bakkakoti og Heru frá Jaðri, sem gerir hann sammæðra Eldjárni frá Tjaldhólum. Hann myndi henta sem keppnishestur í bæði tölt og fjórgang eða B-flokk. Aladín hefur hlotið 7.90 í aðaleinkunn í kynbótadómi, þar af 8.5 fyrir tölt, brokk, vilja og geðslag og fegurð í reið. Þetta er frábær stóðhestur með jafnar og góðar gangtegundir, með mikið rými, vilja og fótaburð.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Aladín frá Tjaldhólum is a 4-gaited stallion with long strides and high leg action sired by Sær frá Bakkakoti and Hera frá Jaðri, which makes him the brother of Eldjárn frá Tjaldhólum. He would suit great as a competition horse in both tölt and 4-gait or B-class. Aladín has received 7.90 in total in a breeding evaluation, including 8.5 for tölt, trot, spirit and temperament and grace while ridden. This is a great stallion with good gaits, a lot of speed, willingness and leg action.
More information, photos and video can be found here.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Aladín frá Tjaldhólum is a 4-gaited stallion with long strides and high leg action sired by Sær frá Bakkakoti and Hera frá Jaðri, which makes him the brother of Eldjárn frá Tjaldhólum. He would suit great as a competition horse in both tölt and 4-gait or B-class. Aladín has received 7.90 in total in a breeding evaluation, including 8.5 for tölt, trot, spirit and temperament and grace while ridden. This is a great stallion with good gaits, a lot of speed, willingness and leg action.
More information, photos and video can be found here.