Hnáta er falleg 5 vetra hryssa undan Eldjárni frá Tjaldhólum og Djörfung frá Litlu-Sandvík. Hún er fasmikil og ber sig mjög vel. Hún er mjög efnileg sem framtíðar keppnishross. Hnáta er bandvön og tilbúinn til frekari tamningar. Hnáta sýnir virkilega flottar og rúmar hreyfingar með miklum fótaburði og krafti. Hún hefur einnig sýnt tölt og er því töltið líklega laflaust.
Hnáta er núna um 137 cm á stöng. Hún hefur allan efniviðinn í það að verða mjög góð ræktunar og keppnishryssa,. Fullkominn hryssa fyrir þá sem vilja temja og þjálfa upp sitt eigið hross.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Hnáta is a beautiful 5 year old mare sired by Eldjárn frá Tjaldhólum and Djörfung frá Litlu-Sandvík.She got the looks to steal one's heart. She carries her self extremely well. Se's promising as a future breeding and competition mare. She's halter trained and ready for further training. When running in the pasture Hnáta shows extremely nice movements with some tölt, very elastic movements, very good leg action and a lot of power and charisma.
Hnáta is around 1.37 m on stick . Her movements are very spacious, she has a long walk with good energy and overstride, hers trot is fast and fluid with tact and cadence, her canter nicely upwards.Hnáta has all talents that a good sport horse and breeding mare should have..She is the perfect horse for someone who wants to train and shape their own future horse
More information, photos and video can be found here.
Hnáta er núna um 137 cm á stöng. Hún hefur allan efniviðinn í það að verða mjög góð ræktunar og keppnishryssa,. Fullkominn hryssa fyrir þá sem vilja temja og þjálfa upp sitt eigið hross.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Hnáta is a beautiful 5 year old mare sired by Eldjárn frá Tjaldhólum and Djörfung frá Litlu-Sandvík.She got the looks to steal one's heart. She carries her self extremely well. Se's promising as a future breeding and competition mare. She's halter trained and ready for further training. When running in the pasture Hnáta shows extremely nice movements with some tölt, very elastic movements, very good leg action and a lot of power and charisma.
Hnáta is around 1.37 m on stick . Her movements are very spacious, she has a long walk with good energy and overstride, hers trot is fast and fluid with tact and cadence, her canter nicely upwards.Hnáta has all talents that a good sport horse and breeding mare should have..She is the perfect horse for someone who wants to train and shape their own future horse
More information, photos and video can be found here.