Hattur er virkilega góður 7 v fmmgangshestur. Hann er með frábærar og jafnar gangtegundir. Byggingin er ekki síðri en hæfileikarnir, fæturnir eru langir og sterkir, vel settur og langur háls og mjög góð yfirlína. .Hattur ber sig mjög vel og er með þægilegan vilja léttur í beisli. Hattur er auðveldur í reið en samt kraftmikill, mjög vinalegur og geðgóður.
Hann er mjög vel ættaður, undan háttdæmda stóðhestinum Kvist frá Skagaströnd. Hattur er virkilega spennandi hestur sem bæði kynbóta- og keppnishestur og því frábært tækifæri fyrir ræktendur að eignast alvöru hest.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Hattur is a really good 5-gaited 7 year old stallion..Hattur has 5 equally excellent gaits and great pace. His conformation is as good as hir gaits: strong and long legs, well set long neck, very good topline. Hattur carries hisself very well and proud. He is a easy on the reins, easy to ride, powerful, but always easy to control, very good and friendly character. Just everything you want in a future competition and/or breeding horse
Hattur has a great pedigree, sired by Kvistur frá Skagaströnd,
Hattur is a really exciting stallion as both a competition- and breeding stallion and this is a great opportunity for breeders toacquire an amazing stallion.
More information, photos and video can be found here.
Hann er mjög vel ættaður, undan háttdæmda stóðhestinum Kvist frá Skagaströnd. Hattur er virkilega spennandi hestur sem bæði kynbóta- og keppnishestur og því frábært tækifæri fyrir ræktendur að eignast alvöru hest.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Hattur is a really good 5-gaited 7 year old stallion..Hattur has 5 equally excellent gaits and great pace. His conformation is as good as hir gaits: strong and long legs, well set long neck, very good topline. Hattur carries hisself very well and proud. He is a easy on the reins, easy to ride, powerful, but always easy to control, very good and friendly character. Just everything you want in a future competition and/or breeding horse
Hattur has a great pedigree, sired by Kvistur frá Skagaströnd,
Hattur is a really exciting stallion as both a competition- and breeding stallion and this is a great opportunity for breeders toacquire an amazing stallion.
More information, photos and video can be found here.