Fagri er frábær 11 vetra gamall klárhestur sem er dauðþægur og hentar öllum knöpum. Hann er undan Fjarka frá Feti, sem er 1.verðlauna Orra sonur og Gústu frá Feti. Hann fer alltaf um á hreinu tölti og gæti því hentað fullkomnlega fyrir alla fjölskylduna, sem barnahestur eða jafnvel í hestaleigu.Fagri er stór og myndarlegur hestur, en hann er um 150 cm á stöng.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Fagti is a great 11 years old 4-gaited gelding who's really stable and suits all riders. He's sired by Fjarki frá Feti, who's a 1.prize stallion sired by Orri from Þúfu, and Gústa from Feti. He always goes around on clear beated tölt and could therefor suit perfectly for all the family, as a children's horse and even in riding schools. Fagri is a big and handsome horse, but he's around 150 cm on stick.
More information, photos and video can be found here.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Fagti is a great 11 years old 4-gaited gelding who's really stable and suits all riders. He's sired by Fjarki frá Feti, who's a 1.prize stallion sired by Orri from Þúfu, and Gústa from Feti. He always goes around on clear beated tölt and could therefor suit perfectly for all the family, as a children's horse and even in riding schools. Fagri is a big and handsome horse, but he's around 150 cm on stick.
More information, photos and video can be found here.