Fjalar er 7 vetra gamall graðhestur undan hinum kunna kynbótahesti Orra frá Þúfu og gæðingshryssunni Fífu frá Brún. Fjalar er virkilega myndarlegur 5-gangs hestur með góðar gangtegundir en styrkja þarf brokkið. Fjalar gæti hentað sem góður keppnishestur í unglingaflokk eða jafnvel bara sem frábær reiðhestur. Hestur með ýmsa möguleika!
Meiri upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Fjalar is a 7 years old stallion sired by the famous breeding horse Orri frá Þúfu and the good mare Fífa frá Brún. Fjalar is a really handsome 5-gaiter with good gaits but the trot needs more strenghtening. Fjalar could suit as a competition horse in teenage class or even just as a great riding horse. This is a horse with plenty of possibilities.
More information, photos and video can be found here.
Meiri upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Fjalar is a 7 years old stallion sired by the famous breeding horse Orri frá Þúfu and the good mare Fífa frá Brún. Fjalar is a really handsome 5-gaiter with good gaits but the trot needs more strenghtening. Fjalar could suit as a competition horse in teenage class or even just as a great riding horse. This is a horse with plenty of possibilities.
More information, photos and video can be found here.