Glaumur er fallegur geldingur á 5 vetur undan Þóroddi frá Þóroddsstöðum og Hyllingu frá Eyvindarmúla. Hann er fasmikill, með mikið fax og tagl og ber sig mjög vel. Hann er mjög efnilegur sem framtíðar keppnishestur. Hann er bandvanur og tilbúinn til frekari tamningar. Glaumur sýnir virkilega flottar og rúmar hreyfingar með miklum fótaburði og krafti. Hann sýnir einnig mikið tölt og er því töltið laflaust.
Glaumur er núna um 140 cm á stöng og er líklegast 5 gangs. Hann er með mjög rúmar gangtegundir og hefur allan efniviðinn í það að verða mjög góður keppnishestur, bæði í írþótta- og gæingakeppni. Fullkominn hestur fyrir þá sem vilja temja og þjálfa sjálfir upp efnilegan framtíðar keppnishest.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Glaumur is a beautiful chestnut gelding that is turning 5 year old sired by Þóroddur frá Þóroddsstöðum and Hylling frá Eyvindarmúla. He's got the looks to steal one's heart. He has lots and lots of mane and carries himself extremely well. He's promising as a future competition horse. He's halter trained accordingly to his age and ready for further training. When running in the pasture Glaumur shows extremely nice movements with lots of tölt, very elastic movements, very good leg action and a lot of power and charisma.
Glaumur is currently 1.40 m on stick and is probably 5 gaited. His movements are very spacious, he has a long walk with good energy and overstride, his trot is fast and fluid with tact and cadence, his tölt is clean with even beat, his canter nicely upwards and from time to time he shows some short pace steps. Glaumur has all talents that a good sport horse should have and combines them with a lot of personality and friendliness. He is the perfect horse for someone who wants to train and shape their own future competition horse.
More information pictures and video can be found here
Glaumur er núna um 140 cm á stöng og er líklegast 5 gangs. Hann er með mjög rúmar gangtegundir og hefur allan efniviðinn í það að verða mjög góður keppnishestur, bæði í írþótta- og gæingakeppni. Fullkominn hestur fyrir þá sem vilja temja og þjálfa sjálfir upp efnilegan framtíðar keppnishest.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Glaumur is a beautiful chestnut gelding that is turning 5 year old sired by Þóroddur frá Þóroddsstöðum and Hylling frá Eyvindarmúla. He's got the looks to steal one's heart. He has lots and lots of mane and carries himself extremely well. He's promising as a future competition horse. He's halter trained accordingly to his age and ready for further training. When running in the pasture Glaumur shows extremely nice movements with lots of tölt, very elastic movements, very good leg action and a lot of power and charisma.
Glaumur is currently 1.40 m on stick and is probably 5 gaited. His movements are very spacious, he has a long walk with good energy and overstride, his trot is fast and fluid with tact and cadence, his tölt is clean with even beat, his canter nicely upwards and from time to time he shows some short pace steps. Glaumur has all talents that a good sport horse should have and combines them with a lot of personality and friendliness. He is the perfect horse for someone who wants to train and shape their own future competition horse.
More information pictures and video can be found here