Glódís er stór og falleg meri á 4 vetur. Hún verður líklegast 5-gangs hryssa en hún hefur sýnt allar gangtegundir, fer þó að mestu um á brokki og tölti eins og er. Hún er virkilega spök og þægileg í allri meðhöndlun. Er með mjög opinn gang og verður eflaust frábær og traust reiðhryssa. Er rúmlega bandvön og tilbúin í frekari tamningu.
Meiri upplýsingar, myndir og video af Glódísi má finna hér.
Glódís is a big and handsome mare who's turning 4 years old next spring. She's probably going to be 5-gaited but she has shown all gaits, but mostly goes around on trot and tölt at the moment. She's really docile and calm to handle and be around. She has open gaits so the tölt will be easy. Will defiantly be a great and stable riding mare. She's halter trained and ready for further training.
More information, photos and a video of Glódís can be found here.
Meiri upplýsingar, myndir og video af Glódísi má finna hér.
Glódís is a big and handsome mare who's turning 4 years old next spring. She's probably going to be 5-gaited but she has shown all gaits, but mostly goes around on trot and tölt at the moment. She's really docile and calm to handle and be around. She has open gaits so the tölt will be easy. Will defiantly be a great and stable riding mare. She's halter trained and ready for further training.
More information, photos and a video of Glódís can be found here.