Gletta frá Reykjavík er meri á 6 vetur undan Sæssyninum Tón frá Ólafsbergi og Orku frá Haga. Hún er mjög flott alhliða hryssa sem var gangsett í vetur. Þetta er jöfn hryssa með góðar gangtegundir. Stefnan er að fara með hana í kynbótadóm eftir nokkrar vikur.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Gletta frá Reykjavík is a mare who's turning 6 years old this spring, sired by the son of Sær frá Bakkakoti, Tónn frá Ólafsbergi and Orka frá Haga.
She's a very good 5-gaited mare who was taught how to tölt this winter. She's stable with good gaits. The aim is to go with her to a breeding evaluation after few weeks.
More information, photos and video can be found here.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Gletta frá Reykjavík is a mare who's turning 6 years old this spring, sired by the son of Sær frá Bakkakoti, Tónn frá Ólafsbergi and Orka frá Haga.
She's a very good 5-gaited mare who was taught how to tölt this winter. She's stable with good gaits. The aim is to go with her to a breeding evaluation after few weeks.
More information, photos and video can be found here.