Harri er 10 vetra fjórgangshestur með góðar gangtegundir. Hann er með rúmt og gott tölt og það væri jafnvel hægt að leika sér aðeins á honum í keppnum. Hann er mjög spakur, lætur ná sér alls staðar og er 100% traustur.
Harri er hestur sem fólk tekur eftir vegna mikillar útgeislunar, flotts fótaburðar, flottum lit og góðra gangtegunda. Eini ókosturinn við Harra er að hann ropar þegar hann er á húsi.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Harri is a 10 years old 4-gaited horse with good gaits. He has good tölt with long strides and it would be possible to compete on him. He's very docile, can be caught anywhere and is 100% safe.
Harri is a horse that people really notice because of lot of charisma, good leg action, great color and good gaits. The only disadvantage regarding Harri is that he belch.
More information, photos and video can be found here.
Harri er hestur sem fólk tekur eftir vegna mikillar útgeislunar, flotts fótaburðar, flottum lit og góðra gangtegunda. Eini ókosturinn við Harra er að hann ropar þegar hann er á húsi.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Harri is a 10 years old 4-gaited horse with good gaits. He has good tölt with long strides and it would be possible to compete on him. He's very docile, can be caught anywhere and is 100% safe.
Harri is a horse that people really notice because of lot of charisma, good leg action, great color and good gaits. The only disadvantage regarding Harri is that he belch.
More information, photos and video can be found here.