Hlekkur frá Norður-Hvammi er flottur 12 vetra gamall stóðhestur undan Hvamm frá Norður-Hvammi og Öxl frá Hofsstöðum. Hann er klárhestur með 7.77 í aðaleinkunn. Hann er með mikið rými á gangi og góð gangskil, mikinn fótaburð og fas. Frábær hestur sem gæti hentað til margra hluta, s.s. keppni, ræktun eða einfaldlega sem frábær reiðhestur
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Hlekkur frá Norður Hvammi is a good looking 12 years old stallion,s ired by Hvammur frá Norður-Hvammi and Öxl frá Hofsstöðum. He's got 7.77 in total as a 4-gaiter. He's got a lot of speed on the tölt and good distinguish between gaits, high leg action and great charisma. A great horse who would suit for many things, such as competition, breeding or simply as a great riding horse with fantastic temperament.
More information, photos and video can be found here.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Hlekkur frá Norður Hvammi is a good looking 12 years old stallion,s ired by Hvammur frá Norður-Hvammi and Öxl frá Hofsstöðum. He's got 7.77 in total as a 4-gaiter. He's got a lot of speed on the tölt and good distinguish between gaits, high leg action and great charisma. A great horse who would suit for many things, such as competition, breeding or simply as a great riding horse with fantastic temperament.
More information, photos and video can be found here.