Laufi frá Haga er 9 vetra gamall klárhestur undan 1. verðlauna foreldrunum Dósent frá Brún og Logadís frá Stokkhólma. Laufi er góður og hreingengur reiðhestur sem hentar þó ekki byrjendum. Hann er viljugur og duglegur og bara frábær hestur í ferðirnar.
Meiri upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Laufi frá Haga is a 9 years old 4-gaiter who's parents are both 1. prize horses. Laufi is a good riding horse with pure gaits who doesn't suit beginners though. He's willing and hard working and is just a great horse to ride, also for horse trips.
More information, photos and video can be found here.
Meiri upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Laufi frá Haga is a 9 years old 4-gaiter who's parents are both 1. prize horses. Laufi is a good riding horse with pure gaits who doesn't suit beginners though. He's willing and hard working and is just a great horse to ride, also for horse trips.
More information, photos and video can be found here.