Lukka er 5 vetra gömul vel ættuð alhliða hryssa. Hún er mjög skemmtilega viljug og jákvæð. Hún er hvellvökur og tekur vel á því á skeiði, en flestir sem hafa smá reynslu geta lagt hana. Töltið getur verið aðeins bundið af stað og í byrjun þjálfunar, en hún hreinsast fljótt. Brokkið er mjög gott og stökkið og fetið fínt.
Þessi meri hefur alla burði til að verða 1 verðlauna meri með meiri þjálfun
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér
Lukka is a 5 years old well bred and 5-gaited mare. She's got good willingness and is positive. She is really open for pace and does it really well regarding her young age. Everybody who have some experience riding pace can pace her. The tölt is therefor quite pacy in the beginning of training, but she get's a clearer beat after a while. The trot is very good and the gallop and walk good.
This mare has full potential to be a 1 prize mare with more training and
More information, photos and video can be found here
Þessi meri hefur alla burði til að verða 1 verðlauna meri með meiri þjálfun
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér
Lukka is a 5 years old well bred and 5-gaited mare. She's got good willingness and is positive. She is really open for pace and does it really well regarding her young age. Everybody who have some experience riding pace can pace her. The tölt is therefor quite pacy in the beginning of training, but she get's a clearer beat after a while. The trot is very good and the gallop and walk good.
This mare has full potential to be a 1 prize mare with more training and
More information, photos and video can be found here