Erum búin að bæta við nýjum myndum og videoi af honum Laufa frá Haga. Laufi er frábær geldingur á 9 vetri undan 1. verðlauna foreldrum. Frábær reiðhestur fyrir flesta.
Nánari upplýsingar, nýjar myndir og nýtt video má finna hér.
We now have added new photos and video of Laufi frá Haga. Laufi is a great gelding who's turning 9 years old this spring, sired by 1.prize parents. A great riding horse for most people.
More information, new photos and a new video can be found here.
Nánari upplýsingar, nýjar myndir og nýtt video má finna hér.
We now have added new photos and video of Laufi frá Haga. Laufi is a great gelding who's turning 9 years old this spring, sired by 1.prize parents. A great riding horse for most people.
More information, new photos and a new video can be found here.