Náma er fimm vetra hryssa undan Töfra frá Selfossi og Kápu frá Langholti. Hún var í þjálfun í síðasta vetur og sýnir mjög fína takta. Náma er sennilega klárhryssa, hún er með mjög góðar grunngangtegundir og flott tölt og svarar vel þjálfun. Hún er rúm og hágeng og er jafnvel efnileg sem framtíðar keppnishross. Náma er mjög ljúf í umgengni, aldrei spennt eða sjónhrædd en jafnframt viljug í reið. Hún teymist vel. Náma er skemmtileg og afar efnileg hryssa.
Nánari upplýsingar um Námu má finna hér.
Náma is a 5 year old mare out of Töfri frá Selfossi and Kápa frá Langholti. She was in training all last winter. She is an extremely sweet character, always friendly and she loves people. She is 4 gaited with really good ground gaits and high leg action. She has good speed. With continuing proper training she will have great tölt. Her movements are supple with large strides and good leg ation. She also ponies really well and she is easy in all handling. This is a very promising young mare that could have a bright future ahead of her with continued training.
More information, photos and video can be found here.
Nánari upplýsingar um Námu má finna hér.
Náma is a 5 year old mare out of Töfri frá Selfossi and Kápa frá Langholti. She was in training all last winter. She is an extremely sweet character, always friendly and she loves people. She is 4 gaited with really good ground gaits and high leg action. She has good speed. With continuing proper training she will have great tölt. Her movements are supple with large strides and good leg ation. She also ponies really well and she is easy in all handling. This is a very promising young mare that could have a bright future ahead of her with continued training.
More information, photos and video can be found here.