Algebra frá Akureyri is sniðug 8 vetra gömul meri undan Andra frá Vatnsleysu og Tiz frá Öngulsstöðum I. Hún er með fínar gangtegundir og er hágeng. Hún er ekki fyrir byrjendur þar sem hún er í viljugri kantinum. Algebra er mjög ljúf og góð í umgengni og var notuð í hestaferðum í sumar undir vanari knapa, sem gekk mjög vel.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Algebra frá Akureyri is a good 8 years old mare sired by Andri frá Vatnsleysu and Tiz frá Öngulsstöðum I. She has nice gaits and high leg action. She's not for beginners since she's quite willing forward. Algebra is sweet and nice to be around and was used in horsetrips this summer with good results.
More information, photos and video can be found here.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Algebra frá Akureyri is a good 8 years old mare sired by Andri frá Vatnsleysu and Tiz frá Öngulsstöðum I. She has nice gaits and high leg action. She's not for beginners since she's quite willing forward. Algebra is sweet and nice to be around and was used in horsetrips this summer with good results.
More information, photos and video can be found here.