Ræsir er mjög góður hestur sem er nánast tilbúinn í keppni, undan Parker frá Sólheimum í og Sóley frá Litlu-Sandvík,. Hann er fæddur 2007, er alltaf hreingengur, með góðan fótaburð og rúmur.
Ræsir er léttur á taum, auðveldur í reið og hlustar alltaf á knapann. Hann er frábær fjórgangshestur sem enginn ætti að vera svikinn af. Við mælum með honum sem nánast tilbúnum keppnishesti í fjórgang, og töltkeppnir. Mjög fjölhæfur og góður hestur!
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Ræsir is a great horse how is almost ready for competition, sired by Parker frá Sólheimum and Sóley frá Litlu-Sandvík.. He was born in 2007, always clear beated, with high leg action, and wide speed range. His walk is rhythmic, his trot with long strides, and his canter is much upwards and ground covering .Ræsir is easy on the reins, easy to control, and is always listening to the rider and shows exactly the amount of power you want him to have.Ræsir is an awesome 4-gaiter who leaves nothing to be desired. We recommend him as a "future oompetition" sports horse for 4-gaited, and tölt competitions.
More information, photos and video can be found here.
Ræsir er léttur á taum, auðveldur í reið og hlustar alltaf á knapann. Hann er frábær fjórgangshestur sem enginn ætti að vera svikinn af. Við mælum með honum sem nánast tilbúnum keppnishesti í fjórgang, og töltkeppnir. Mjög fjölhæfur og góður hestur!
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má finna hér.
Ræsir is a great horse how is almost ready for competition, sired by Parker frá Sólheimum and Sóley frá Litlu-Sandvík.. He was born in 2007, always clear beated, with high leg action, and wide speed range. His walk is rhythmic, his trot with long strides, and his canter is much upwards and ground covering .Ræsir is easy on the reins, easy to control, and is always listening to the rider and shows exactly the amount of power you want him to have.Ræsir is an awesome 4-gaiter who leaves nothing to be desired. We recommend him as a "future oompetition" sports horse for 4-gaited, and tölt competitions.
More information, photos and video can be found here.