Nú er komið nýtt myndband af Sprota frá Velli 2, en hann er 8 vetra gamall klárhestur sem allir geta riðið. Algjör draumreiðhestur sem hentar allri fjölskyldunni.
Nánar um Sprota og nýtt video má finna hér.
Now we've added a new video of Sproti frá Velli 2, but he's a 8 years old gelding who everybody can ride. He's a total dream riding horse who suits all the family.
More about Sproti and a new video can be found here.
Nánar um Sprota og nýtt video má finna hér.
Now we've added a new video of Sproti frá Velli 2, but he's a 8 years old gelding who everybody can ride. He's a total dream riding horse who suits all the family.
More about Sproti and a new video can be found here.