Ítalía er 6 vetra gömul töltmylla undan Þrist frá Feti og Björk frá Tóftum. Hún er frábær hryssa fyrir alla fjölskylduna eða sem keppnishross fyrir börn,þar sem hún er hreingeng með flottan fótaburð. Hún er alltaf eins,sama hver knapinn er. Hræddir knapar geta vel riðið á henni, mjög traust og góð.
Ítalía er virkilega skemmtileg og myndarleg hryssa með góða ætt.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má fina hér.
Ítalía is a 6 years old mare who's a great tölter, sired by Þristur frá Feti and Björk frá Tóftum. She's a great family horse and would also suit as a competition horse for children, since she has great gaites and movements. She's always the same, whoever the rider is. Riders who are scared or insecure can easily ride here, very stable and nice horse.Ítalía is a really good looking mare with great pedigree
More information, photos and videi can be found here.
Ítalía er virkilega skemmtileg og myndarleg hryssa með góða ætt.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video má fina hér.
Ítalía is a 6 years old mare who's a great tölter, sired by Þristur frá Feti and Björk frá Tóftum. She's a great family horse and would also suit as a competition horse for children, since she has great gaites and movements. She's always the same, whoever the rider is. Riders who are scared or insecure can easily ride here, very stable and nice horse.Ítalía is a really good looking mare with great pedigree
More information, photos and videi can be found here.