Viðja er virkilega myndarleg og framfalleg hryssa undan Þóroddi frá Þóroddsstöðum og Viktoríu frá Höfn. Hún fer aðallega um á tölti og brokki með flottum fótaburði, en móðir hennar, Viktoría er mjög hágeng og því stendur þónokkur fótaburður að Viðju.
Nánari upplýsingar og myndir má finna hér.
Viðja is a really handsome mare who's got really well built neck, sired by Þóroddur frá Þóroddsstöðum and Viktoría frá Höfn. She goes mostly around on tölt and trot with high leg action, but her mother, Viktoría has high leg action so Viðja should be able to lift her legs, since it's both from her father and mother.
More information and photos can be found here.
Nánari upplýsingar og myndir má finna hér.
Viðja is a really handsome mare who's got really well built neck, sired by Þóroddur frá Þóroddsstöðum and Viktoría frá Höfn. She goes mostly around on tölt and trot with high leg action, but her mother, Viktoría has high leg action so Viðja should be able to lift her legs, since it's both from her father and mother.
More information and photos can be found here.