Vindur frá Eystri-Torfastöðum I er 8 vetra gamall klárhestur sem allir geta riðið. Hann er dauðþægur, auðveldur í reið og léttur í beisli. Frábært reiðhestur fyrir alla fjölskylduna, virkilega traustur hestur sem lætur ekkert hræða sig.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video af Vind má finna hér.
Vindur frá Eystri-Torfastöðum I is a 8 years old 4-gaiter who everybody can ride. He's really docile, easy tor ride and light on the reins. A great ridinghorse for all the family, really stable horse who isn't afraid of anything.
More information, photos and video of Vindur can be found here.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video af Vind má finna hér.
Vindur frá Eystri-Torfastöðum I is a 8 years old 4-gaiter who everybody can ride. He's really docile, easy tor ride and light on the reins. A great ridinghorse for all the family, really stable horse who isn't afraid of anything.
More information, photos and video of Vindur can be found here.