Kasmír er myndarlegur 8 vetra keppnisefni.Kasmír er undan Kletti frá Hvammi og Brynju frá Hemlu.. Hann er mjög hágengur, vel rúmur, og geðgóður með trausta lund. Kasmír er flottur og efnilegur geldingur sem á framtíðina fyrir.
Meiri upplýsingar, myndir og video af Kasmír hér.
Kasmír is a handsome 8 years old future competition horse. He's sired by Klettur from Hvammi and Brynja from Hemlu. He has high leg action, always improving on speed, willing and has good temperament and is loyal. Kasmír is a good looking and promising gelding with bright future.
More information, photos and videos of Kasmír can be found here.
Meiri upplýsingar, myndir og video af Kasmír hér.
Kasmír is a handsome 8 years old future competition horse. He's sired by Klettur from Hvammi and Brynja from Hemlu. He has high leg action, always improving on speed, willing and has good temperament and is loyal. Kasmír is a good looking and promising gelding with bright future.
More information, photos and videos of Kasmír can be found here.