Vísir er algjör draumahestur, bæði í umgengni og í reið. Hann er fjórgangari og er undan heiðursverðlaunahestinum Hróð frá Refsstöðum og Viggu frá Hvassafelli. Vísir var nemendahestur á Hólum síðasta vetur og er því virkilega vel þjálfaður hestur sem kann allar helstu fimiæfingar, s.s. krossgang, opinn sniðgang og afturfótasnúning.
Hann fór í dóm fyrir stuttu og fékk 9 fyrir fet, 8.5 fyrir brokk og vilja og geðslag og 8 fyrir tölt og fegurð í reið. Hann er mjög stór og myndarlegur og gæti vel hækkað með aðeins meiri þjálfun.
Vísir er frábær töltari sem er hreingengur, rúmur og hágengur. Brokkið er rúmt og svifmikið, stökkið mjög efnilegt fyrir fjórgangskeppnir þar sem hann lyftir sér vel og er mjög öruggur á því og fetið afbragð. Hann er mjög viljugur en þjáll og alltaf undir stjórn.
Vísir er mjög traustur og skemmtilegur karakter, algjör höfðingi að öllu leyti. Hann er spakur, auðveldur í umgengni og reið, samvinnufús og reynir eftir fremsta megni að geðjast knapanum. Algjör draumahestur sem hentar til margs, s.s. keppni, ræktun eða einfaldlega sem frábær reiðhestur sem engum leiðist að ríða.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video af Vísi má finna hér.
Vísir is a true dream stallion, both to handle and ride. He's a 4-gaited son of the honorary Hróður frá Refsstöðum and Vigga frá Hvassafelli and has an outstanding temperament. He can be ridden with mares and geldings alike and is really much of a gentleman even though he's a stallion. Vísir was a student horse in Hólar last winter and therefor is really well trained horse who knows all basic dressage, like leg-yielding, shoulder-in and turn on the forehand.
Vísir was evaluated few weeks ago and received 9 for walk, 8.5 for trot and spirit and 8 for tölt and grace while ridden. He's big and really handsome and could well improve his marks with more training.
Vísir is a fantastic tölter who's clear beated with long strides and leg action. He has really elastic movements on trot, the gallop is really promising for 4-gaited competitions since it's much upwards and confident and his walk is really good. Vísir has a great willingness but is always controllable. Vísir is really promising for 4-gaited and tölt competitions, as well as a breeding horse. He has few foals who looks really good, with good front and movements.
Vísir has a really stable mind and a great personality, a true gentleman in every way. He's easy to handle and ride, always cooperative and always wants to please his rider. He's really well schooled and could even compete in other kinds of competitions than gaited competitions. A dream horse who suits many occasions, like competitions, breeding horse or simply a great riding horse.
More information, photos and video of Vísir can be found here.
Hann fór í dóm fyrir stuttu og fékk 9 fyrir fet, 8.5 fyrir brokk og vilja og geðslag og 8 fyrir tölt og fegurð í reið. Hann er mjög stór og myndarlegur og gæti vel hækkað með aðeins meiri þjálfun.
Vísir er frábær töltari sem er hreingengur, rúmur og hágengur. Brokkið er rúmt og svifmikið, stökkið mjög efnilegt fyrir fjórgangskeppnir þar sem hann lyftir sér vel og er mjög öruggur á því og fetið afbragð. Hann er mjög viljugur en þjáll og alltaf undir stjórn.
Vísir er mjög traustur og skemmtilegur karakter, algjör höfðingi að öllu leyti. Hann er spakur, auðveldur í umgengni og reið, samvinnufús og reynir eftir fremsta megni að geðjast knapanum. Algjör draumahestur sem hentar til margs, s.s. keppni, ræktun eða einfaldlega sem frábær reiðhestur sem engum leiðist að ríða.
Nánari upplýsingar, myndir og video af Vísi má finna hér.
Vísir is a true dream stallion, both to handle and ride. He's a 4-gaited son of the honorary Hróður frá Refsstöðum and Vigga frá Hvassafelli and has an outstanding temperament. He can be ridden with mares and geldings alike and is really much of a gentleman even though he's a stallion. Vísir was a student horse in Hólar last winter and therefor is really well trained horse who knows all basic dressage, like leg-yielding, shoulder-in and turn on the forehand.
Vísir was evaluated few weeks ago and received 9 for walk, 8.5 for trot and spirit and 8 for tölt and grace while ridden. He's big and really handsome and could well improve his marks with more training.
Vísir is a fantastic tölter who's clear beated with long strides and leg action. He has really elastic movements on trot, the gallop is really promising for 4-gaited competitions since it's much upwards and confident and his walk is really good. Vísir has a great willingness but is always controllable. Vísir is really promising for 4-gaited and tölt competitions, as well as a breeding horse. He has few foals who looks really good, with good front and movements.
Vísir has a really stable mind and a great personality, a true gentleman in every way. He's easy to handle and ride, always cooperative and always wants to please his rider. He's really well schooled and could even compete in other kinds of competitions than gaited competitions. A dream horse who suits many occasions, like competitions, breeding horse or simply a great riding horse.
More information, photos and video of Vísir can be found here.